The 5 Essential Elements of Injection Mould Maintenance

Plastic Tooling Components When it comes to injection mould maintenance, there are five key elements that you simply cannot overlook. These essential components form the foundation for a smooth-running operation and ensure the longevity and efficiency of your molds. So let's dive into the world of injectionmould maintenance and discover what it takes to keep your moulds in tip-top shape. Regular Cleaning Cleaning is the first line of defense in mould maintenance. Regularly remove any debris, residues, or contaminants from the mould surfaces. This not only prevents product defects but also extends the lifespan of your molds. Utilise proper cleaning agents and techniques recommended by the manufacturer to ensure effective and safe cleaning. Lubrication Proper lubrication is the key to reducing friction and wear within the mould. Apply lubricants to the appropriate areas of the mould, such as guide pins, ejector pins , and moving components. This minimises the risk of sti...