Types of Water Heaters and How They Work

Water heaters are one of the most prevalent appliances in people's homes, supplying hot water for baths and showers, laundry machines, and dishwashers. There is an extensive selection of water heaters available, each presenting a unique level of energy efficiency according to its set-up. We will cover some of the more popular types of water heaters and how they work. Tank-style Tank-style water heaters store heated water in an insulated tank, making them more efficient than other styles. They come in different sizes, ranging from 30-100 gallons or larger, with gas versions usually having a higher capacity than electric models. The use of stored hot water reduces the need for gas or electric energy to keep reheating each time hot water is needed – meaning they offer greater energy efficiency than other styles. Heat Pump Heat pump water heaters transfer outside air temperatures into heated indoor air, and they must be installed with adequate ventilatio...