Compression Springs and Die Springs – How Do They Differ?

Compression springs and die springs are two types of springs that are used in a variety of industries. These types of springs are similar in many ways, but there are also some major differences between them. Compression springs are made with the force being applied to the outside of the spring while die springs have their force applied from the center outwards. The expert technicians at Hales can help you decide which spring is best suited for with application. So, if you are looking for Die Springs in Australia for any specific applications, connect with our team for expert advice. Compression Springs Compression springs are used in a wide range of applications because they offer a great deal of flexibility. They can be used for both linear and rotational movement, so they can be found in applications such as door closures and even brakes on vehicles. Compression springs are generally made from steel wire that has been coiled into an S-shaped pattern so that it can be compress...